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Principal’s Message

Mrs. A. Tiwari

Principal, St. John Bosco College

“Learning gives creativity, creativity leads to thinking, thinking provides knowledge and knowledge makes you great.”
A.P.J Abdul Kalam

As Principal I find myself fortunate to be a part of St. John Bosco College where every day is an important opportunity to discover, create and innovate. We are committed to inculcate a state of happiness in every child so as to ensure a peace loving and harmonious world.

To teach is to touch a life forever so we believe in holistic education and the campus, sports, academic facilities are a testimony to this belief. Various activities and events regarding value education, games and sports, culture and heritage, personality development are all very effectively woven into the fabric of our curriculum that opens the doors to global platforms for our students.

Parents involvement is important hence I as Principal wish to encourage our Parents to play a major role in the development of their children as we together can empower our students to grow as strong, reflective and humble individuals with discerning minds who will be prepared to make a mark in all spheres of life .Dear Parents I wish to thank you all for your support & co-operation and look forward to it in the future as well.

“Education is the passport to the future, for tomorrow belongs to those who prepare for it today.”
Malcom X