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Vivek Khand 3, Gomti Nagar, Lucknow
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Manager’s Messages

Mr. Pradeep Frank

Manager, St. John Bosco College

It gives me immense pleasure to put it in black and white the thoughts and aspirations we follow at St. John Bosco College. As our motto stands out “CONQUER EVIL BY GOODNESS” we aim to inculcate humanitarian values of integrity, courage ,sincerity and compassion among our students so as to mould their personality to dream big and achieve big.

As we know that the identity of each student is shaped from the institution in which they study we at St. John Bosco College are committed to such a system which not only shapes the academic excellence of our students but leads to a Holistic Development encompassing physiological, cognitive, psychological and spiritual growth.

We aim for our students to become a resource for tomorrow.

My special word of thanks to the Parents for their constant support and encouragement extended to our institution, for without your help we cannot achieve our goals.

May God Bless you all.